Changing Dexterity Date Field Format in Tabular View

I have created a dexterity date field called form_effective_date. It is now indexed in my catalog. When I add a new Collection, form_effective_date is showing up in the table columns select. Selecting both Modification Date and form_effective_date, their values show up in the Collection table as follows:

Modification Date: May 23, 2018 05:53 PM
form_effective_date: 2014-05-07

How do I make the form_effective_date's format similar to Modification Date's format?

Any help or advise would be most appreciated. Thank you so much

Try something like

<td class="pat-moment"

There are different 'formats', like:

data-pat-moment= format:relative

More info here:

Espen, thank you for the codes. Where do I add the codes? I have looked at the portal_view_customizations/ and tried to add some codes on the template but to no avail. I can't get the dates displayed in the way I want it to. Please advise.

Never mind. Here is the solution.

The full template view comes from portal_view_customization --> --> tabular_view

I overrode the tabular_view by doing the following in my content type product:

<tal:block tal:repeat="field view/tabular_fields">
    <td tal:condition="python:field not in ['Title', 'Creator', 'getIcon', 'form_effective_date']"
tal:define="field_data python:view.tabular_fielddata(item, field)">
<tal:block tal:replace="field_data/value" />
<td tal:condition="python:field == 'form_effective_date'" class="pat-moment" data-pat-moment="format:MMM D, YYYY hh:mm A;">${item/form_effective_date}</td>

Thanks everyone for all your help. Cheers!