Change the access port to the administration under plone 4.3.1

Hello everyone,

I am having a problem changing the default access port under plone 4.3.1.

Indeed for example I would instead of the 8080, put 20090.

In the buildout.cfg file, in the "Major parts" section and then in the [instance] section, I have "http-address = 8080" and I replace it with "http-address = 20090".

In fact, it does not change anything. Access to plone administration is always through the "8080" port.
Does this mean that there are other parameters to modify in other files? Which ?
Thank you in advance for your help.

Buildout, based on the recipe used in a part, flushes the actual configuration onto disk per part into somewhere like parts/<partname>. So just changing buildout configuration will not change anything.

Either rerun buildout or if that is expected to fail out of the box at this point on such an old deployment, manually edit the zope.conf(s) it has flushed out for the instance or ZEO clients, and restart those.

Have you run bin/buildout after the change?

Thank you for your answers.
I will do all this. I'll keep you informed.

Hello everyone
The problem of changing port 8080 under plone 4.3.1 is set.
Indeed after the change of port in buildout.cfg, I run bin / buildout and then I could connect to the new port 20080.
The port change was automatically done in Zope.conf where I did not have to intervene.
Thank you all for your help.