Can't run buildout -c develop.cfg on Plone 5.2.4 on Ubuntu 20.04


I have a working instance of Plone 5.2.4 and now I want to create a new instance for development on the same machine.
I downloaded the Uniified installer and followed the procedure on Plone site, installation was fine, when I launch the command:
/opt/plone-stage/zinstance$ bin/buildout -c develop.cfg

I have this:

error: Setup script exited with error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
An error occurred when trying to install /opt/plone-stage/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/regex-2022.6.2.tar.gz. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
  Installing mrbob.
  Getting distribution for 'regex>=2016.2.25'.

An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
recipe being used:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/plone-stage/zinstance/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zc/buildout/", line 2174, in main
    getattr(buildout, command)(args)
  File "/opt/plone-stage/zinstance/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zc/buildout/", line 817, in install
    installed_files = self[part]._call(recipe.install)
  File "/opt/plone-stage/zinstance/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zc/buildout/", line 1603, in _call
    return f()
  File "/opt/plone-stage/buildout-cache/eggs/cp27mu/zc.recipe.egg-2.0.7-py2.7.egg/zc/recipe/egg/", line 227, in install
    reqs, ws = self.working_set()
  File "/opt/plone-stage/buildout-cache/eggs/cp27mu/zc.recipe.egg-2.0.7-py2.7.egg/zc/recipe/egg/", line 87, in working_set
    allow_unknown_extras=bool_option(buildout_section, 'allow-unknown-extras')
  File "/opt/plone-stage/buildout-cache/eggs/cp27mu/zc.recipe.egg-2.0.7-py2.7.egg/zc/recipe/egg/", line 168, in _working_set
  File "/opt/plone-stage/zinstance/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zc/buildout/", line 957, in install
    return installer.install(specs, working_set)
  File "/opt/plone-stage/zinstance/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zc/buildout/", line 730, in install
    for dist in self._get_dist(req, ws):
  File "/opt/plone-stage/zinstance/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zc/buildout/", line 574, in _get_dist
    dists = [_move_to_eggs_dir_and_compile(dist, self._dest)]
  File "/opt/plone-stage/zinstance/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zc/buildout/", line 1745, in _move_to_eggs_dir_and_compile
    [tmp_loc] = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmp_dest, '*'))
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack

Please help me pointing to the right direction as I'm stuck!
Thanks in advance

You are using python2.7. What happen when you are using python3?

Short Test in my /tmp directory:

cd /tmp
tar xfz
cd Plone-5.2.4-UnifiedInstaller-1.0
./ --password=123456 --target=/tmp/Plone5 standalone

you see some output in the console, it will take a little bit. :

Testing /usr/bin/python3.8 for Zope/Plone requirements....
/usr/bin/python3.8 looks OK. We will use it.

Rootless install method chosen. Will install for use by system user johndoe

Detailed installation log being written to /tmp/Plone-5.2.4-UnifiedInstaller-1.0/install.log
Installing Plone 5.2.4 at /tmp/Plone5

Creating Python virtual environment.
Installing Python requirements in virtual environment.
Copying Plone-docs
Create buildout: standalone


Buildout completed

######################  Installation Complete  ######################

Plone successfully installed at /tmp/Plone5
See /tmp/Plone5/zinstance/README.html
for startup instructions.

Use the account information below to log into the Zope Management Interface
The account has full 'Manager' privileges.

  Username: admin
  Password: 123456

This account is created when the object database is initialized. If you change
the password later (which you should!), you'll need to use the new password.

Use this account only to create Plone sites and initial users. Do not use it
for routine login or maintenance.- If you need help, ask in our forum - Live chat channels also exists at - Submit feedback and report errors at (For install problems,

Start instance

cd /tmp/Plone5/zinstance
bin/instance fg

2022-06-21 14:20:26,182 INFO    [Zope:45][MainThread] Ready to handle requests
Starting server in PID 613631.
Serving on

Run develop buildout

bin/buildout -c develop.cfg

you see some output in the console, it will take a little bit.

bin/instance fg
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Just solved pinning Python libraries version into my buildout.cfg.

Which versions did you have to pin? Only the regex one, or more? Others might find your question in the future and be curious what your final solution was.

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Hi fredvd you're right, I just pinned the following libraries into buildout.cfg :

#other pins not in plone
regex = 2020.2.20
importlib-resources = 5.0.0