Call for Plone 5.1 PLIP submissions

Plone 5.0 is out and now is a good time to start preparing the next minor Release 5.1.

The Plone Framework Team wants to invite everyone to submit Plone Improvement Proposals (PLIP) for Plone 5 or beyond.
Please note, you can submit PLIPs at any time - but now is the time to submit it for Plone 5.1. There is no submission-closing date yet decided, but we will announce it once we agreed on it.

The PLIP process is the Framework Teams way to manage Plone innovation.
For more information the process itself and how to submit PLIPs see:
And make sure you have read the rest of the core developers documentation also:

We now use Github as our PLIP submission tool.
Use this template to submit new PLIPS:
Please don't use the old Trac on anymore.

New branches on Github repositories like the obligatory 5.1 branch on Products.CMFPlone will be created, when the need arises.


:heart: Thanks for updating the docs for submitting PLIPS! :heart: