Bye bye SeleniumLibrary -> hello Playwright!

We are pleased to announce: all core package robottest are ported to Playwright tests :tada:

It all started at the Midsummer Sprint 2023 with the awesome work of @datakurre who implemented Playwright support in together with @gforcada who set up the configs on to get the playwright tests running on our CI testing server (see Port robot framework tests to Playwright · Issue #3813 · plone/Products.CMFPlone · GitHub). Also the first portet tests in by @gforcada helped a lot to get an idea how to port the remaining tests.

A very big "thank you" goes to @1letter who put his hands in the last weeks on every single .robot file in the core packages especially in CMFPlone (Port robot tests by 1letter · Pull Request #4019 · plone/Products.CMFPlone · GitHub)

Here is an overview of all ported tests:

Cheers :beer:


Awesome undertaking, congratulations on the effort and the positive outcome to all of the contributors involved

Oh I forgot: the Playwright Keyword documentation for the robot framework is available here ... feel free to port your own addon tests :wink: