Board Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2018

Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba

Absent: Philip Bauer

Conference Report Out

Ramon joined to give us a final report from the Barcelona Plone Conference last year. Profits from the conference will be going to help fund Plone sprints this year, as well as advancement of the Pastanaga UI.

Approval of the minutes of December 14

Alexander moved to approve, Kim seconded

Unanimously Approved

New Business

  • Funding request - From Maik Derstappen for the Plone Tagung conference and sprint in Berlin March 20 to pay for the rental of the space. Alexander made a motion to approve up to $3000 to fund the event, with possibly another $1500 after a budget and sprint information has been provided. Chrissy seconded. Paul will coordinate with Maik, and the additional funding over $3000 will be approved by email.
  • - The site is back up, but we are working on a workaround for older Plone sites so that they wouldn't need to rely on
  • Budget - Paul has been sick and been unable to work on the budget. Paul and Carol will work on it in the next week.
  • PyCon Prep - everything has been sent to the PyCon coordinators. Chrissy will work on coordinating volunteers for the booth.

Continued Business

  • Infrastructure Update - there has been lots of progress, and there will be some downtime tomorrow for applying patches. Big thanks to Sven and Oz for the hours they have spent getting work done.
  • PloneConf 2018 - Paul will coordinate with the conference team to organize a meeting time.
  • Domain Issues - we have not heard back from Nutter or Nejc Zupan. Kim will ask Nutter about an update, and will have Nejc contact the owners of the offending domains.

Review Ongoing

  • PLOG - no new news since people have been sick.
  • Plone Chat Services - There is a possibility that there would be some disruption between our chat services (IRC, Gitter, etc). We will keep a look out for updates.

Alexander moved to adjourn, Kim seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 21:23 UTC