I have a block that creates cards to show news, for that, it uses all events from a selected path. I get the events with the redux searchContent function. On my website, I use the same block but with different paths to get different events in two places. The first block is on the home page, and the second is on a news page. The problem I have is that if I switch from the home page to the news page, the events won't change it just shows the same events I had on the home page. If I first go to another page, then on the news page, it updates the events. I think the problem here is that the URL is not "replaced", it just adds the /news. Has anyone an idea how to force the update on page change?
const getNewsContent = (array = []) =>
array.map((obj, item) => {
obj[0] = item;
return obj;
}, {}
const NewsBoxView = ({ data }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const news = useSelector((state) => getNewsContent(state.search.subrequests.content?.items, ));
const content = useSelector((state) => state.workflow.transition);
var contentUrl = data.newsurl;
var results = [];
useEffect(() => {
portal_type: ['Event'],
fullobjects: true,
b_size: 1000,
sort_on: "start",
sort_order: "descending",
},[dispatch, content]);
news.forEach((elem) => {
results.push([elem.title, format(new Date(elem.start), 'dd.MM.yyyy'), elem['preview_image']?.download, elem['@id'], elem.UID]);
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid className='newsContainer' justifyContent="center" container item spacing={4}>
{results.map((result) => (
<Grid item className='gridItem' key={result[4]}>
<a className='newsBoxA' href={result[3]}>
<div className="newsBox">
<div className="newsTop">
<div className="newsImg" style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${result[2]})` }}></div>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" className="newsSvg" viewBox="0 0 210.051 28.785">
<path d="m.001 29.03.018-1.983c.729-.008 24.531.373 35.78.282 15.811-.129 30.114-.113 45.118-1.22 15.439-1.14 30.813-3.171 46.106-5.574 16.23-2.55 32.433-5.452 48.386-9.373 9.159-2.25 18.174-5.081 27.107-8.107 2.48-.84 7.346-2.786 7.346-2.786l.19 28.784z"
style={{fill: "#293619", fillOpacity: 1, stroke: "none", strokeWidth: 0.154, strokeOpacity: 1,}} transform="translate(-.001 -.269)"
<div className="newsBottom">
<p className="newsTitle">{result[0]}</p>