add to to your checkouts and import the Uninstall bda.plone.shipping
from your management view at /manage
in portal_setup
-> Import
. This will remove the deprecated IShippingExtensionLayer
Hi Peter
in folder zinstance/src/
I run
git clone
and then back to zinstance folder
vi buildout.cfg
add bda.plone.shipping to eggs list
add src/ to develop list
run bin/buildout
in front page, site setup/add-ons
install bda.plone.shipping(uninstall)
in portal_setup/manage_fullImport
select bda.plone.shipping(uninstall) click import all steps button
back to site setup/add-ons
install upgrade policyGS profile to 3
also failed:
We’re sorry, but there seems to be an error…
Here is the full error message:
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 162, in transaction_pubevents
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 359, in publish_module
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 262, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 85, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 63, in call_object
Module Products.CMFPlone.controlpanel.browser.quickinstaller, line 689, in __call__
Module Products.CMFPlone.controlpanel.browser.quickinstaller, line 454, in install_product
Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 396, in runAllImportStepsFromProfile
- __traceback_info__:
Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 1468, in _runImportStepsFromContext
Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 1280, in _doRunImportStep
- __traceback_info__:
Module, line 79, in importRegistry
- __traceback_info__: registry.xml
Module, line 127, in importDocument
Module, line 414, in importRecords
- __traceback_info__: records name:
Module, line 273, in importRecord
- __traceback_info__: record name:
ValueError: Cannot find a field for the record Add a <field /> element or reference an interface and field name.
Peter Holzer via Plone Community <> 于2020年10月20日周二 下午2:09写道:
You have to add it to the checkouts of buildout as @espenmn described.
Shouldn't matter if in addons or portal_setup.
It could be that you have to install bda.plone.shipping
first, run the upgrade and then uninstall...
@kyholdings Things are going to be more complex using code-sources instead of packages from PyPI. I think your main problem is missing understanding how zc.buildout and it's extension mr.developer are working.
mr.developer is used to do both, cloning the needed resources from Github and registering them as development-egg in the buildout (named development because the are editable if this is needed.
I would recommend investing some minutes to learn about both. A good resource is in out training pages at
If there are any questions left do not hesitate to ask here!
Just for your info: we've been upgrading
in our latest project and released the packages for Plone 6 (thank you @rnixx !) ... these are the current released versions with its pinned dependencies used in our project:
bda.intellidatetime = 1.4
bda.plone.ajax = 2.0.1
bda.plone.cart = 2.0b1
bda.plone.checkout = 2.0b1 = 2.0b1
bda.plone.orders = 2.0b2
bda.plone.payment = 2.0b1 = 2.0b1
bdajax = 1.14
collective.js.datatables = 4.1.2
csv23 = 0.3.4
node.ext.zodb = 1.6
plumber = 1.7
pycountry = 23.12.11
repoze.catalog = 0.9.0
souper = 1.1.2
souper.plone = 1.3.1
yafowil = 3.1.0
yafowil.bootstrap = 2.0.0a1
yafowil.plone = 5.0.0a2
yafowil.widget.array = 1.7
yafowil.widget.autocomplete = 1.7
yafowil.widget.datetime = 1.13
yafowil.yaml = 2.0
zope.index = 6.1
NOTE: our ClassicUI Plone 6.0 project uses the alpha releases of plone.staticresources
and plonetheme.barceloneta
for Plone 6.1 so these versions will also work in Plone 6.1 (if not, we're updateing them accordingly )