Barceloneta Theme's main navigation sub menu not keyboard navigable

Our clients scan their websites using WCAG. We use the Barceloneta theme as a base for our themes. They are finding that the dropdown menus in the main navigation are not keyboard navigable and therefore are failing ADA tests for usability.

I tested a vanilla Plone site with the latest Barceloneta and see that it uses hover dropdowns instead of click dropdowns. You can see this here on the Classic Plone demo that uses the barceloneta theme: Demo — English.

Understanding that Barceloneta is based on Bootstrap 5 and, by default, BS 5 uses the click dropdowns for its menus, I am wondering if there is a simple way applying/removing any necessary Plone classes to change the Barceloneta navigation to use click dropdowns instead of hover? If not, I know my path forward, but if there is, it would be fantastic to know what that may be.

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