Barceloneta-compiled.css not loading in site-setup section


Im running into a CSS issue in the admin views, the barceloneta-compiled.css is not loading in the admin/site-setup section.

I have created a Plone theme addon package that is extending the Barceloneta theme using:

<xi:include href="++theme++barceloneta/backend.xml" />

I have installed my addon theme and disabled the default Plone 5 theme.

<> (Plone 4.3)
<> (Plone 5)

Plone 5 site named is “retailers” and is being served from <> path

If I browse to the Plone 5 site using its IP address and port /retailers/@@overview-controlpanel, I can see that the /++theme++barceloneta/less/barceloneta-compiled.css loads along with other CSS resources however they all include the /retailers path in the src. i.e. /retailers/++plone++production/++unique++2017-12-06T14:38:06.105052/logged-in.css

If I browse to the site not using the domain name this CSS issue occurs. <>, the error is a 404 failed to load.

The path comes out like below which is missing the “/retailers” path.

fails: /++theme++barceloneta/less/barceloneta-compiled.css (retailers is missing from the path)

I have tested adding in the “/retailers” folder into the path by loading the file in a new browser tab adding in the retailers path.

My rules.xml file is extending/including the barceloneta theme file which I have left as default which includes this line:

    <after css:theme-children="head">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/++theme++barceloneta/less/barceloneta-compiled.css" />

I have tried adding the retailers folder into the above path but this has no effect even after reinstalling the addon / theme.

I have also tried adding the folder path into my sites manifest.cfg (rules, prefix) paths but this has the effect of adding /retailers/retailers/ into the path.

Any ideas would be very much appreciated

Version Overview:
Plone 5.0.8 (5018)
CMF 2.2.10
Zope 2.13.26
Python 2.7.13 (default, Mar 27 2017, 19:54:58) [GCC 4.8.5]
PIL 3.3.0 (Pillow)