Hey everyone!
Would you say that Plone is suitable as a headless cms for a Jamstack website? How much do you think that Volto differs from other known Jamstack frontend?
We recently discussed with a potential client that told us they would rather go with a Jamstack solution than a Volto site. I have my own opinion about the questions I asked at the beginning of the post, therefore I think they mainly said that because they don't know Volto and Plone, while Jamstack is such a powerful buzzword nowadays.
So I was thinking: should Plone be in this list? Headless CMS - Top Content Management Systems | Jamstack
We are currently building up our stack to have Plone as a headless CMS (classic Plone, but Volto would work too), and then either static or dynamic front ends, e.g. NuxtJS or Eleventy.
Also, we have GitHub - cusyio/cusy.cms: Cusy CMS policy, which is our policy and provides basic configuration. It also contains a “subsite” package (based on lineage). So with subsites you are able to have 1 Plone backend and multiple targets. Those targets can be multiple static hosted front-ends. Our plone-nuxt-module already supports that, as well as multi lingual sites.
It is currently all in development, but please take a look at the packages and leave a comment if you want to. We decided to build it as modular as possible, so that you can install the individual packages in your existing Plone sites without getting a bunch of additional dependencies you don’t need.
Future development ideas include:
webhook support (trigger static site generation based on content rules — we might build this on the base what Asko did)
required backend authentication — no content on the backend is publicly availble, only through restapi access (and maybe only in combination with service tokens)
configurable rest-api services (enable/disable through UI — required for shared hosting)
Thanks for sharing all the info! You have a lot going on there
Obviously I also think the answer is "Yes!". Possibly some packages like gatsby-source-plone or plone-nuxt-module would be missing for major Jamstack players like Next.js, but I don't think they are 100% needed to begin with.