Apache as front-endfor Plone: NameVirtualHost will be removed in the next (Apache) release

The (Plone 5) documentation about Apache as front-end Web Server for Plone tells us to add a virtual host configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/yoursite.conf containing:

NameVirtualHost *

But, when Apache is restarted, the following warning appears:

AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next release /etc/httpd/conf/...

Afair you can just remove it completely.

And +1 for updating the documentation (after verifying that removing is ok).


I opened an issue.

@dbitouze we have had some discussion at https://github.com/plone/documentation/issues/1097 ... but let's continue here. Do you want to check if removing the NameVirtualHost line works? If so, then make a PR for the docs? Or if you figure out a better sample Apache configuration, also make a PR for the docs?

Or do you want to try using nginx instead?

You also mentioned using https://www.mageia.org ... It doesn't mean the unified installer won't work; it means only that it wasn't tested with it. ... or did you mean the Ansible playbook?

Do you want to check if removing the NameVirtualHost line works?

Removing it isn't worse than before: it doesn't work :wink:

Or if you figure out a better sample Apache configuration, also make a PR for the docs?

I couldn't make it work so far.

Or do you want to try using nginx instead?

I'll give it a try in the next minutes :woozy_face:

The unified installer worked like a charm on my Linux Mageia 7 server. I meant the Ansible playbook doc stipulates:

We generally support relatively current CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu environments. Versions currently supported are Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) LTS, 16.0.4 (Xenial) LTS, Ubuntu 15, Debian jessie, Debian stretch, and CentOS 7.

Ah ok. As you quoted,

so it doesn't mean the playbook won't work, just that it hasn't been tested and if you run into a problem, the playbook maintainers may or may not be able to help you.

Finally, I succeeded to make nginx work for my Plone site installed with the simple unified installer. I may consider the Ansible playbook later. Thanks!