Any special authorisation necessary for context.MailHost.send(..)?

We use controller page templates für Online Forms so that we can use captchas (and not recaptcha as for Easy Form, which is unsave).
We call as action a script containing context.MailHost.send(..) to create a mail.
It worked fine, but now the form requires a login from anonymous users. Why?
Do I need any special permission in Zope?

I once did it, but I used:


OK, Thanks a lot. I will try that.
Anyway I would like to know, why context.MailHost.send(..) does not work any more without authoraization.

It is protected with the "Use mailhost services" permission: Products.MailHost/src/Products/MailHost/ at master · zopefoundation/Products.MailHost · GitHub

Plone assigns this permission to the "Site Administrator" role, which would prevent anonymous users from running a script that sends mail with this method: Products.CMFPlone/Products/CMFPlone/profiles/default/rolemap.xml at master · plone/Products.CMFPlone · GitHub

As far as I can see, nothing changed recently about this in Plone. But perhaps you had customized this permission to grant it to the Anonymous role, and later ran a Plone upgrade step which re-applied the settings from rolemap.xml.

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Thanks a lot, David. That was the info, that I needed. I just changed the security settings under ZMI für using mail host to anonymous and now it works fine