[AI Announcement] Critical Maintenance for CPU Vulnerabilities (Meltdown)


Affected: plone.com. plone.org, plone.io, ploneconf.org, planet.plone.org, orca.plone.org, docker1.plone.org

Date: 2018-01-18


One of our hoster (Linode) is starting to patch their infrastructure.

A number of serious security vulnerabilities affecting multiple CPU architectures were recently disclosed by Google's Project Zero team as outlined in our blog post[1]. In order to address the disclosed vulnerabilities, the physical hardware on which your Linode resides will need to undergo maintenance. This is the first of several separate maintenances that will be necessary to fully mitigate these vulnerabilities. This maintenance specifically patches the Meltdown vulnerability; the Spectre vulnerability will be addressed in a future maintenance cycle. We will inform you of these maintenance cycles via additional tickets.

Status Update 1

Linode started patching, the cluster where docker1, planet and orca are running got patched and rebooted !

docker1, planet and orca are back online !

Status Update 2

The cluster where plone.org is running got patched and restarted.

plone.org is back online !

Status Update 3

The cluster where plone.io is running got patched and restarted.

plone.io is back online !

Status Update 4

The cluster where ploneconf.org is running got patched and restarted.

ploneconf.org is back online !