Adding Google Fonts to Volto Theme

I need to add a custom google font to my Volto theme. The steps are not obvious for a sometimes user of React. Will place any notes here as I go.

you can import googlefonts from within a css file, if that is an option.

Also: it is possible to import the font within a style tag:

@import url('');

Found it, and it is too easy!
Just add @fontName to a custom site.variables file.

According to the Volto Docs, once that @fontName is declared, if the name is a valid google font name, it will work in the background to make sure the correct google font gets used.
I tried it out by adding the following to theme > globals > site.variables (if you haven't created a theme/globals/site.variables file, you'll need to create one, starting with a blank one is fine).

@fontName : 'Lobster';

surely enough... I got this:

If you did not previously have a site.variables file you will need to stop yarn and start it again so that your changes are detected.

Take a look at the default theme 'site.variables' to see the code that makes this work: volto/site.variables at master · plone/volto · GitHub

Here's a direct link to the docs:


The theme/globals/site.variables approach used to work for me, however, since I switched to theme as addon my Google fonts aren't loading. I'm investigating now to try to figure out what's wrong.

  1. Does the theme/globals/site.variables need to be in the project folder and not the addon?
  2. Does the theme as addon approach just break the mechanism?


Not sure if this is best practice, but it did work.
I am inheriting from the volto-light-theme. So I added both the main.scss from volto-light-theme and the main.scss from my custom theme.

This is what the theme.js in my custom theme Iooks like:

import 'semantic-ui-less/semantic.less';
import '@plone/volto/../theme/themes/pastanaga/extras/extras.less';
import '@kitconcept/volto-light-theme/theme/main.scss';
import 'custom-volto-theme/theme/main.scss';

Now the src/theme/globals/site.variables is "obeying" again and using my custom font declaration as expected.