Add your Plone success story to

Please help us tell the world how good Plone is! is where we are starting to send people who are looking for a high level overview of Plone's features and strengths.

Once they've decided to continue looking into Plone, we also have provider listings to steer decision makers to companies and consultants who can help them continue their evaluation, get a demo, and get started on their project.

Our success stories at are critical in demonstrating the (many) ways that Plone solves a real need.

If you have successful projects (and we certainly hope you do!), please take a few minutes to choose the one you're most proud of and fill in the form at to get the ball rolling.

It is our goal to have enough success stories up there that we can set up faceted search to help decision makers from all walks of life find the story that best fits their needs (education, government, intranet, marketers, business process analysts).

And don't forget... once Plone 5 launches on September 15, we will be getting a lot more traffic to! Get your story up there soon :smile:

does anybody know what happened with the success story of the Olympic site?

I think it's in the queue for editing. There's only one person editing these (Christina).