How can I add additional tags like H4, H5 to the list of anchors (TinyMCE anchor selection). Right now it offers "only" H1, H2, H3 tags.
That was my first thought but while editing it shows only H1 - H3 tagged elements in the anchor dropdown.
Plone 5.2.11
On a Plone 5.2 site, it should look like this:
I suggest that you check for a formatting error in your TinyMCE header settings.
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately it is hardcoded in Plone 5.2.x
Changed the value of anchorSelector in /mockup-3.2.8-py3.8.egg/mockup/patterns/tinymce/js/links.js
Sorry, misread your question: "in the list of anchors" - I see the same in the latest Plone 6 too. Thanks for sharing that info about mockup!