5.2.4 to 5.2.5 syntaxError

I just did :

  • installation with UnifiedInstaler of 5.2.4 py3.7
  • changed the version URL to the 5.2.5
    launched ./bin/buildout

Just to let you now : I had the following errors which could be just cosmetic for everything works fine :

Compiling Python files.
  File "/opt/Plone5.2.4/buildout-cache/eggs/cp37m/plone.staticresources-1.4.3-py3.7.egg/plone/staticresources/static/components/jqtree/_entries/renumber.py", line 36
    print 'rename %s to %s' % (old_filename, new_filename)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  File "/opt/Plone5.2.4/buildout-cache/eggs/cp37m/plone.staticresources-1.4.3-py3.7.egg/plone/staticresources/static/components/jqtree/_entries/insert.py", line 44
    print 'rename %s to %s' % (old_filename, new_filename)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  File "/opt/Plone5.2.4/buildout-cache/eggs/cp37m/zodbpickle-2.0.0-py3.7-linux-i686.egg/zodbpickle/pickle_2.py", line 882
    except _Stop, stopinst:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  File "/opt/Plone5.2.4/buildout-cache/eggs/cp37m/zodbpickle-2.0.0-py3.7-linux-i686.egg/zodbpickle/pickletools_2.py", line 1803
    print "skipping %r: it doesn't look like an opcode name" % name
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("skipping %r: it doesn't look like an opcode name" % name)?

  File "/opt/Plone5.2.4/buildout-cache/eggs/cp37m/zodbpickle-2.0.0-py3.7-linux-i686.egg/zodbpickle/tests/pickletester_2.py", line 433
    x = [0, 1L, 2.0, 3.0+0j]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


The problem, or a variant thereof, is described in buildout troubleshooting. Originally, you would get these SyntaxErrors mostly when Python is seeing skin scripts, which use a syntax that may not always be correct Python.
In this case Python 3 is probably seeing Python 2 code which is included in a package but will only get run on Python 2.

For example it complains here in zodbpickle about a file called pickletools_2.py, but there is also a file pickletools_3.py which is probably the one that gets used on Python 3.

So: in 99.9 percent of the cases this is nothing to worry about, and that seems the case here.

thank you