2016 plone.org theme / section


There are "section" tags in plone.org that makes the content rows. Is it made with Mosaic? is there a particular module for that or everything is handled with diazo?


I dont think it is made with Mosaic.
It is done with 'themingfragments'.
... but you can add these with Mosaic, if you want, just install the 'Fragments tile'.

  1. Install Mosaic
  2. Install the Themingfragments tile
  3. Set the layout to 'Mosaic'
  4. Customise the layout
  5. Add 'Fragment tile' and choose your fragment.

It is easy to make your own fragments.

Thank you very much Espen!

Thank you very much Espen!

There should be a list somewhere (plone.app.mosaic readme?) with all that modules linked with mosaic.