Hide language in page title in multilungual site

Using Plone 5.0.8

I have a multilingual site and I was wondering if it is possible to hide the language in the page titles.

The News page, for example, has this title:
"News - English"
but I'd simply like it to be:

The structure is:
LRF with "English" as title > News

Is that possible?

The reason behind it is that Plone shows the nearest navigation root's title on the <title> tag. The text "English" comes from the title of the LRF, you can edit it from http://yoursite.com/en/edit

To remove it, you should override the title viewlet and remove it from there:

Thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately, that is a lot more complex than I had hoped and goes a lot further than my knowledge on Plone reaches.

Thanks anyway.

For anybody who's interested in overriding viewlets, I found this: https://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/views/more_view_examples.html

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