Upgrading to Plone 5 with collective.solr and collective.indexing

Hi all,

I'm currently upgrading our sites to Plone 5 and we use collective.solr/collective.indexing. I'm receiving the error

ImportError: No module named fieldsets.form

This is due to zope.formlib removal from Plone 5. I know that these products are used a lot, does any one else have this issue? I can branch these products and submit a patch to work with z3c.form if no one is already working on them? I couldn't see anything in GitHub.


For collective.indexing you most probably will not have any problem, but for collective.solr there is, as you already noticed some work to be done.

If you can create a pull request and start working from there it will be great! I'm also about to start using Solr (although on Plone 4.3) but I'm planning to upgrade to Plone 5 during the year, so if the work is already done all the best :slight_smile:

Oh, forgot to say: on collective.solr .travis.yml there is already a matrix built to test against Plone 5, it just needs to be commented out. That could be the first commit on the pull request.

Cheers @gforcada. I'm just doing a review of whats broken with the upgrade. Hopefully I can get some time to work on it over the next week or so. I'll create a pull request then.

Hi @adam.castle

there is a branch of collective.solr which works for Plone 5: https://github.com/collective/collective.solr/tree/plone5-try2
It has not been merged because many tests are failing. You are welcome to contribute to the discussion and implementation.


Thanks @tomgross I'll look into this.

There is Plone 5 compatible release of collective.solr