Upgrade to 5.2 failing with 'IATCTTool' has no attribute '__iro__'

With the above change to buildout I was able to complete the upgrade to 5.2, and it seems to work fine. The caveat is that no matter what I try to clean up, if I remove the [archetypes] extra from buildout, I still get the 'IATCTTool' has no attribute '__iro__' error.

In detail:

Happy path:

In 5.1:

  • Uninstall Products.Archetypes and plone.app.collections (Archetypes-based collections) from portal_quickinstaller (oddly, Products.Archetypes is listed both under installed products and under installable products, and I have to uninstall it twice before it's gone from installed products).
  • Delete portal_atct, portal_factory, portal_languages and portal_tinymce in the ZMI
  • Shut down 5.1 and copy filestorage and blobstorage over to 5.2

In 5.2:

  • In buildout, add the [archetypes] extra to the Plone egg. (It is not necessary to have Products.ATContentTypes egg). Re-run buildout.
  • Start the instance and run upgrade at @@plone-upgrade --> success

Now I have a working 5.2 site.


  • portal_atct, portal_factory, portal_lanugages and portal_tinymce are back in the ZMI, even though I had explicitly deleted them before. I can delete them again, but that doesn't help.
  • @dieter: wildcard.fixpersistentutilities doesn't help. There is nothing it can do here.
  • @adam139: running the uninstall profile for Products.ATContentTypes seems to do the opposite of what it says, and definitely does not help.
  • all my content is Dexterity at this point, but something still needs to be cleaned up and I don't know what.
  • If I remove the [archetypes] extra from buildout, the site breaks again.

Please note that this is a very, very simple site without any customizations. The only complication is that it is quite old, upgraded over the years from who knows what old version of Plone, and at some point may have had some other content types present, later deleted.
So if it is difficult to upgrade this, I think we really don't have a good upgrade story yet.