Upgrade Plone 4.3.1 to Plone 4.3.15 on Windows

Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your help since the beginning.

I will resume everything at Zero step by step integrating all your comments and suggestions.
After, hopefully, I will resume on another computer the same steps under the same conditions.
I will come back to you for the result.

Thanks again.

Hello everyone,
I have a lot of time to come back to you for lack of time.
First of all, thank you again for your help.
I wanted to fully resume the process of upgrading from Plone 4.3.1 to Plone 4.3.15.
But, after the last pint I did with you, I noticed that after a bin / buildout, nearly 80 fivhiers were downloaded to C: \ Plone43 \ downloads \ dist and installed naturally in C: \ Plone43 \ eggs.
But I can not connect to Plone (http: // localhost: 8080 / manage).
In addition, when I run bin / buildout I get the following error message:
« Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.17763.134]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.
C:>cd Plone43
Download error on https://effbot.org/downloads: hostname 'effbot.org' doesn't match either of '*.webfaction.com', 'webfaction.com' -- Some packages may not be found!
Couldn't find index page for 'enfold.recipe.winservice' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting distribution for 'enfold.recipe.winservice==0.7.2'.
Couldn't find index page for 'enfold.recipe.winservice' (maybe misspelled?)
Getting section service.
Initializing section service.
Installing recipe enfold.recipe.winservice.
Getting distribution for 'enfold.recipe.winservice==0.7.2'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'enfold.recipe.winservice==0.7.2'.
C:\Plone43> »

Can you please help me see what I missed?

Thanks in advance.

This likely is caused by a so called "startup problem". You analyse startup problems by starting Plone "in the foreground". Under *nix, this is done with bin/instance fg (or bin/client1 fg, in case of a zeo setup); under Windows, this is likely achieved by some other script in the bin subfolder. When started in "foreground mode", Plone's log messages are sent to the console window from which you have started Plone. You should see there hints towards the problem.

This likely is something for starting Plone as a Windows service -- and apparently, it is not registered with "PyPI". If you find a distribution for the package, you can tell buildout to look there via a find-links extension in your buildout.cfg.

Running Plone as a Windows service is not mandatory. You can run Plone also "in the foreground". If you cannot find a distribution for the package above, you can remove service from the parts definition of your buildout configuration. When you then rerun buildout, it will no longer try to download the package.

Sorry I could not answer earlier for lack of time.

Thank you very much for the help and suggestions.
I will explore these leads as soon as possible and I will come back to you.
To all those who are concerned, I wish a happy holiday season.

First of all, thank you for your precise analyzes.
I tried to start plone in the "foreground"
Here is the result:
« Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.17763.195]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

C:\Users\Purnata>cd \

C:>cd C:\Plone43

C:\Plone43>bin\instance.exe fg
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Plone43\bin\instance-script.py", line 17, in
import plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl
ImportError: No module named plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl

C:\Plone43> »

In my "eggs" folder I have: " I have at once:
Is it a clue?
Thanks in advance.
By the way, I wish you a happy new year

Apparently, your instance.exe calls C:\Plone43\bin\instance-script.py. This is a text file (likely generated by buildout). Open it in a text editor. Near its start, you will likely see an extension of sys.path. Check, that this extension contains the correct path for plone.recipe.zope2instance-4.2.11-py2.7.egg.

Hello everyone!
Thank you for the verification suggestions.
Indeed, by consulting the file "instance-script.py. I have this:

"#!" C: \ Plone43 \ python \ python.exe "-S

import sys
sys.path [0: 0] = [
'C: \ \ \ Plone43 body parts'

import os
path = sys.path [0]
if os.environ.get ('PYTHONPATH'):
path = os.pathsep.join ([path, os.above ['PYTHONPATH']])
os.environ ['BUILDOUT_ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ.get ('PYTHONPATH', '')
os.about ['PYTHONPATH'] = path
import site # imports custom buildout-generated site.py

import plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl

if name == 'main':
sys.exit (plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl.main (
["-C", 'C: \ Plone43 \ parts \ instance \ etc \ zope.conf']
sys.argv [1:])) "
So obviously the name of the instance is "'C: \ Plone43 \ parts \ instance'"
But by consulting the folder "parts", the folder "instance" is missing. There is only the "buildout" folder.

By checking in the backup performed before starting the update to plone 4.3.15,
I find bein the folder "instance".

So this folder was probably deleted when trying to update to plone 4.3.15?

How can I fix this bug?
Can I copy the "instance" folder from the backup folder and add it to the "parts" folder in the Plone43 installation directory?

It's "legal"?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Maybe your last buildout did not complete successfully?

A small note: when you're including the output of scripts or source code, please highlight it and use the "Preformatted text" toolbar icon in the editor, so your code shows up better

By the way, thank you for sticking with this. It shouldn't be this hard! I have found that recently pip is the easiest way to install things, so I'm sorry I did not jump in earlier to suggest that.

I point out again that I am no Windows user and that buildout (and/or the relevant recipes) apparently works very differently under Windows (in comparison to Linux).

Under Windows, buildout seems to generate a special site.py which likely extends sys,path further. Thus, you must look there as well to check the complete sys.path extension (and the complete extension must contain the path to the plone.recipe.zope2instance egg).

Not working under Windows, I cannot tell you what part of the buildout process has forgotten to add the required egg path. A likely cause could be that your last buildout failed (as already suggested by Kim) and that the "buildout generated site,py" is missing; this would cause Python's standard site.py to be imported which obviously does not know anything about plone.recipe.zope2instance.

Hello everyone,
Thank you for this specific information.
Sorry for this late consultation.

I will try to run the buildout again.
I will inform you of the result.

Thanks again.