Upgrade Options for Plone 4.3 using Archetypes

Hello Plone Community,

i have the following setup

  • Plone 4.3.1
  • Python 2.6
  • Windows 10


  • Archetypes
  • ArgoUML for creating UML-design of classes
  • archgenxml for generation from UML to python code (using Archetypes) for Plone

Large site with lot of functionality.

Can anyone help me with suitable upgrade options for a newer Plone version. Does the code going to work in Plone 4.3.17 if i try to migrate?

Also, why is there a virtual environment for newer Plone versions? Can anyone pinpoint me to an explanation why this is suitable?

Help is much appriciated!

Thank you!

What have you tried so far?

You will usually this such an upgrade in your testing environment...so try it out...

Usually an upgrade within 4.3.X should work with the standard update mechanism..so what is the particular problem?


Hello Andreas,

thank you for the quick reply!

there is no particular problem yet, i have not tried to migrate yet. With Plone 4.3.1 i had an installer which set up Plone and it was running. That was pretty easy. The current version 4.3.17 is using some kind of a virtual environment (Vagrant/VirtualBox). Is that only for developing purposes or do i have to run Plone now in a virtual environment in production?

Is there an explanation for this virtual einvironment stuff? There must be performance issues?

Thank you!

No idea...never used vagrant...if you have a working buildout for testing purposes then update it to 4.3.17, run buildout and try it out.


my original problem is, that pip is not working any more. If i want to get a python package for example
pip install pygantt
than the package is not found, i also get an SSL warning. I researched the problem and python 2.7 should work fine.

That is why i want to upgrade to the latest Plone 4.x.x version and preferrably to the latest python version that works with Plone.

Can you pinpoint me to a description of how can i get a fresh buildout of Python 4.3.17 and with which python version i can work. If i can avoid Vagrant, that would be nice.

Thank you very much!

This is all covered by the extensive installation documentation. Look it up.

@OldPloneUser If you have "package is not found" and SSL warning, you probably need to upgrade pip to fix your issue, this is because Pypi switched to the new architecture and disabled some old SSL configuration. In your activated venv, execute the command to install pip, this will upgrade it, see https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/

@vincentfretin Thanks, i already tried that and also results in an error message.

"python get-pip.py" results in an error message (shortened):

C:\Plone43\python>python.exe get-pip.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\users\mj\appdata\local\temp\tmpek7nhx\pip.zip\pip_vendor\ipaddress.py", line 554, in _check_packed_address
pip._vendor.ipaddress.AddressValueError: '' (len 14 != 4) is not permitted as an IPv4 address. Did you pass in a bytes (str in Python 2) instead of a unicode object?

Hi Andreas,

i have looked at the installation documentation before i seeked further help!
Unfortunatelly the documentation is outdated as far as i can see.

I start at:
then to

I use windows, so i go to:

There i get a document

which ist several years old and tells me that i should use the Windows installer for all versions after 4.1.
This ist obviously not true, there are no available installers after 4.3.

Therefore if there is a good explanation of how to get a buildout version fo the newest 4.x.x with an up-to-date python version, it would be very helpful if you could pinpoint me to the right section.
Unfortunatelly i am not able to find it myself.

Thank you!

The get-pip.py you are using seems to be buggy: obviously is not a valid IP address (it is an IP address mask).

At your place, I would try to find documentation how to make an initial pip installation (i.e. in a situation where there is not yet any pip around) and follow it.

Most of us do not use Windows; therefore, your problem is difficult to understand for us. Actually, I expect that the Windows installer also installs a Plone installation based on buildout. In principle, it is very easy to upgrade such an installation (redefine the versions used). In your special case, you likely also want to upgrade Python (from 2.6. to 2.7). I hope that you can find a Windows installer for Plone which installs Python 2.7; in this case, you could use it and later upgrade your Plone to what you really want in the above way.