Testing frontend add-on with associated backend add-on

I would be happy to get some feedback on the testing setup I use to test a frontend add-on which does depend on an associated backend add-on.

If you have a simpler way to create a backend acceptance server with the backend add-on installed, please let me know.

Here is my simple example of the training 'Mastering Plone Development' packages:

Note: The acceptance server setup shall also be used in CI Github action.

You can compare the configuration that comes with the cookieplone project template (see Create a project with Volto (development or pre-release) – Install — Plone Documentation v6.0). It is not fundamentally different from yours, but there are some convenience shortcuts to build and start both the frontend and backend at once.

After creating a project, these are the commands to build and run the acceptance tests:

make install
make acceptance-images-build
make acceptance-containers-start
make acceptance-test