TAL Syntax to List Information from a Multiline Text Field

I have a Dexterity Multiline Text field called dcdl_priority with 3 lines of information separated by hitting the return key:

Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3

I have the following codes in my view template:

<tr tal:condition="context/dcdl_attention">
<td><strong>DCDL Attention:</strong></td>
<td><span tal:content="context/dcdl_attention" /></td>

This is what I get:

Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3

I would like the input displayed on my page in the follow way:

Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3

I am sure my TAL codes are incorrect. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you.

Read the docs


Andreas, yes, I have seen that documentation. My bad, I realized that my title is incorrect. I am looking at a multiline text field and not a richtext field. This is what I tried so far:

<tr tal:condition="context/dcdl_attention">
    <td><strong>DCDL Attention:</strong></td>
    <td><span tal:content="structure context/body/output" /></td>
<tr tal:condition="context/dcdl_attention">
    <td><strong>DCDL Attention:</strong></td>
    <td><span tal:content="structure context/dcdl_attention/body/output" /></td>

My page no longer loads.

In my opinion, you should use schema.List and not Textfield, that way you could index your field easier (?) also.

If that was the case, the TAL would be something like:

<td tal:repeat"dcdl_line context/dcdl_attention">

Espen, yes, that would be a better option if we had a set list. However, we would like people to add their own statements, one per line. I guess I could actually use a richtext field to do so but I was curious if I could list out the statements one per line from a multi-textfield.

You could do that in a list too, I think

You could probably do that too, but it feels more natural to put this logic in a py file instead of in the browser view

You might be able to do it with similar syntax to what I suggested (not sure what you mean by 'multi-textfield'), you could try …

I'm sure I've done this before.. after a quick search I found this option, tough I don't remember if it was the fix. Try to wrap the content in a <pre>

<pre tal:content="context/dcdl_attention" />

If you use pre, you might need to add some CSS

Chrissy and Espen, thank you so much! The <pre> tag and white-space CSS property did the trick. Thank you so much!!!