Tal:repeat in templates.listing_tabular.pt

Any chance that changing:

 <span tal:content="value">Value</span>



works ?

( or maybe

<span tal:replace="structure value" />

Sorry, my fault, try
instead of

... and I didn't see the set()

When you use, tal:content every output (-> value) will be seperated by (or whatever)
And if you want to use HTML-Tags in your ouput, you shoud structure your content -> Plone Docs: TAL Page Templates :wink:

This should work (could be more compressed, but should be readable and coherent):

<tal:cond tal:condition="python:field in ['dhhs_division']">
    <tal:def define="field_data python:view.tabular_fielddata(item, field)">
        <tal:cond tal:condition="field_data|nothing">
            <tal:rep repeat="row field_data">
                <tr tal:define="value row/value|nothing">
                    <tal:cond tal:condition="value">
                        <td tal:condition="python:isinstance(value, basestring)">
                            <span tal:replace="row/value"></span>
                        <td tal:condition="not:python:isinstance(value, basestring)">
                            <span tal:replace="structure python:'<br/>'.join(str(s) for s in value)" />
                    <tal:cond tal:condition="not:value">

Michael, thank you so much. Based on what you gave me. This is what I did:

<td tal:condition="python:field in ['dhhs_division']"
   tal:define="field_data python:view.tabular_fielddata(item, field)">
       <tal:cond tal:condition="field_data|nothing">
           <tal:rep repeat="row field_data">
               <span tal:define="value row/value|nothing">
                   <tal:cond tal:condition="value">
                       <span tal:condition="python:isinstance(value, basestring)">
                           <span tal:replace="row/value"></span>
                       <span tal:condition="not:python:isinstance(value, basestring)">
                           <span tal:replace="structure python:'<br/>'.join(str(s) for s in value)" />

                  <tal:cond tal:condition="not:value">



For some reason, I keep getting "Empty".

did you try my suggestion?

Remove that line

There must be some difference in the code we are talking about:

If you get some code that produces

Medical Assistance (DMA) <br /> Health Service Regulation (DHSR),  

I am quite sure that just changing tal:content='xx' to tal:replace="structure xx" would work

Michael, I removed the "Empty" line and instead of getting the word "Empty" appearing in my table, they have been replaced by blank cells:

<td tal:condition="python:field in ['dhhs_division']"
    tal:define="field_data python:view.tabular_fielddata(item, field)">
        <tal:cond tal:condition="field_data|nothing">
            <tal:rep repeat="row field_data">
                <span tal:define="value row/value|nothing">
                    <tal:cond tal:condition="value">
                        <span tal:condition="python:isinstance(value, basestring)">
                            <span tal:replace="row/value"></span>
                        <span tal:condition="not:python:isinstance(value, basestring)">
                            <span tal:replace="structure python:'<br/>'.join(str(s) for s in value)" />

Espen, this is what I did. I replaced tal:content with tal:replace:

<td tal:condition="python:field in ['dhhs_division']"
       tal:define="field_data python:view.tabular_fielddata(item, field)">
      <tal:block tal:repeat="k python:field_data.keys()">
           <tal:define tal:define="value python:'\n'.join(field_data.get(k)) if isinstance(field_data.get(k), set) else field_data.get(k)">
             <tal:cond tal:condition="value|nothing">
                 <span tal:replace="structure value">Value</span>

Results remained the same:
Row 1: Medical Assistance (DMA) Health Service Regulation (DHSR)
Row 2: Social Services (DSS)
Row 3: Blank

<td tal:condition="python:field in ['dhhs_division']"
   tal:define="field_data python:view.tabular_fielddata(item, field)">
  <tal:block tal:repeat="k python:field_data.keys()">
       <tal:define tal:define="value python:'<br />'.join(field_data.get(k)) if isinstance(field_data.get(k), set) else field_data.get(k)">
         <tal:cond tal:condition="value|nothing">
             <span tal:replace="structure value">Value</span>
             <span>Lets try this, too: ${value}</span>

Espen!!!! By George, I think you've got it!!!!! This is what I did (I removed the "Let's try this too" line):

<td tal:condition="python:field in ['dhhs_division']"
   tal:define="field_data python:view.tabular_fielddata(item, field)">
  <tal:block tal:repeat="k python:field_data.keys()">
       <tal:define tal:define="value python:'<br />'.join(field_data.get(k)) if isinstance(field_data.get(k), set) else field_data.get(k)">
         <tal:cond tal:condition="value|nothing">
             <span tal:replace="structure value">Value</span>
             <!--span>Lets try this, too: ${value}</span-->

Results are showing:
Row 1 (displaying in two rows): Medical Assistance (DMA)
Health Service Regulation (DHSR)
Row 2: Social Services (DSS)
Row 3: Blank


Espen, Michael and gp54321, thank you so much for your patience and help. They are very much appreciated!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Angela :slight_smile: