Summer of Code 2016

+1 for these ideas, which were already stated:

  • WebOb instead of HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse objects
  • Refactoring the Zope publisher for WSGI support, using zope.publisher and repoze.zope2
  • Porting Zope and plone.* to Python 3 and PyPy (We have a lot of packages which can individually be ported)
  • Making Products.RestrictedPython Python 3 compatible
  • Creating some high quality themes
  • Rephrasing an idea from last years list: Improving collective.easyform - that instead of PFG. It reuses many code parts of PFG, e.g. validation and such, but builds upon the Dexterity TTW form editor. Which is a really nice idea...

More ideas:

  • Working on plone.login
  • Improving recurrence support with individual start/end times per recurrence, individual information for occurrences and immutable occurrences, once they have passed.
  • Timezone support for all date/time fields (e.g. publication and expiration dates, creation and modification dates)
  • Replacing DateTime with Python datetime