[SOLVED][plone.app.testing] standard content-types missing in default fixture

We have this standard plone.app.testing Layer in Plone 5.2/Python 3 but inside the tests we are missing all standard content types in portal_types (we are unable to create a Folder).

As shown below, we have only access to the types ['Discussion Item', 'Plone Site', 'TempFolder'].

Is this different from Plone 4? As far as I recall the portal passed to setUpPloneSite(portal) was always fully initialized. Anything missing here?

class UgentFoldersortingLayer(PloneSandboxLayer):
    """Create testing layers.

    defaultBases = (PLONE_FIXTURE,)

    def setUpZope(self, app, configurationContext):
        """Set up zope.
        # Load any other ZCML that is required for your tests.
        # The z3c.autoinclude feature is disabled in the Plone fixture base
        # layer.

    def setUpPloneSite(self, portal):
        """Set up a Plone site.
        applyProfile(portal, "ugent.foldersorting:default")
  Set up ugent.foldersorting.testing.UgentFoldersortingLayer > /home/ajung/sandboxes/ugent-portaal-plone-4x/src/ugent.foldersorting/src/ugent/foldersorting/testing.py(37)setUpPloneSite()
-> applyProfile(portal, "ugent.foldersorting:default")
(Pdb) portal.portal_types.objectIds()
['Discussion Item', 'Plone Site', 'TempFolder']


In Plone 5.2 you need explicit import of the plone.app.contenttypes profile:

   def setUpPloneSite(self, portal):
        """Set up a Plone site.
        applyProfile(portal, "plone.app.contenttypes:default")
        applyProfile(portal, "ugent.foldersorting:default")