[SOLVED] DateTime, datetime confusion

My content type has a field, "hours", which describes how long an item shall be "available"

So, if object.modified() is yesterday (12:00) and "hours" is set to 30, it should show: remaining: 6 hours (today at 12:00)

If hours was set to 54, it would be nice if it could show: Remaining 1 day, 6 hours.

I tried the following code and I am a bit confused (tid is name of hours field)

def get_time(self):
    modified = self.modified().asdatetime()
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    tid = timedelta( hours = self.tid )
    done =  modified + tid
    return done.replace(tzinfo=utc) - now.replace(tzinfo=utc)

In my template, item/get_time actually renders as:

1 days, 6:06:34.438550

Any suggestion on how to get this to look prettier ?

Could something like data-pat-moment="format:relative;" work?

We are using "Pendulum" in some projects


Thanks. Both options seems good.