Search with Arabic lang not working

Hi all,

When I use Arabic content names in Plone, the search cannot find them. What is the problem?


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Please give a clear example how to reproduce that. most of us are not familar with arabic. In general it should work since the search is based on unicode. but handling of western content is different from Arabic or Asian content.


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Ok, I made a mistake. The problem was not about the language. I have another problem: I made some new Dexterity types TTW, and some contents of these types. My problem is that these contents are not shown in the search results at all.

What should I do so that Plone find these contents?

might help you. I think that there is no out of the box indexing support for content-types created using Dexterity through-the-web. I doubt create your types using Python on the file system.


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Yes, collective.dexteritytextindexer, when the behavior is enabled for the contenttypes, adds a checkbox for indexing into field settings in (Dexterity) content type editor.

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Hmm sounds like a needed OOTB improvement...