Requirements problems during installation Plone 5

Hi everyone,

Trying running the bin\buildout i had the following issue :

user@user:/usr/local/Plone/zeocluster$ sudo -u plone_buildout bin/buildout 
Updating zeoserver.
Installing client1.
/usr/local/Plone/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/ RuntimeWarning: You have iterated over the result of pkg_resources.parse_version. This is a legacy behavior which is inconsistent with the new version class introduced in setuptools 8.0. In most cases, conversion to a tuple is unnecessary. For comparison of versions, sort the Version instances directly. If you have another use case requiring the tuple, please file a bug with the setuptools project describing that need.
Version and requirements information containing plone:
  [versions] constraint on plone: 5.0.8
  Base installation request: 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'Products.PloneHotfix20160830', 'Products.PloneHotfix20161129', 'bika.lims', 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'
  Requirement of plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22: ZODB3>=3.9
  Requirement of plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22: Zope2>=2.12.1
  Requirement of plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22: zc.recipe.egg
  Requirement of plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22: mailinglogger
  Requirement of plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22: setuptools
  Requirement of plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.22: zc.buildout
  Requirement of bika.lims: Plone<=4.3.11
  Requirement of bika.lims: plone.resource
  Requirement of bika.lims:
  Requirement of bika.lims:
  Requirement of bika.lims:
  Requirement of bika.lims:
  Requirement of bika.lims:
  Requirement of bika.lims: plone.jsonapi.core
  Requirement of bika.lims: plone.api
  Requirement of Products.PloneHotfix20161129==1.2: setuptools
  Requirement of Products.PloneHotfix20160830==1.3: setuptools
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8:
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8:
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8:
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8:
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8:
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8: Products.CMFPlone
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8: Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8: Products.ATContentTypes>=2.1.3
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8: Products.Archetypes
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8: setuptools
  Requirement of Plone==5.0.8: archetypes.multilingual
  Installing client1.
Error: The requirement ('Plone<=4.3.11') is not allowed by your [versions] constraint (5.0.8)

Here is my buildout.cfg :

# Buildout Configuration File for Plone
# -------------------------------------
# ALWAYS back up all Plone/Zope data and components
# before changing configuration.
# Running "bin/buildout" will update your installation,
# installing missing components as necessary.
# This will update the add-on products you've added in the eggs= lines.
# This will not, however, upgrade Plone itself (or anything else you've
# pinned with a version specification). To upgrade Plone itself, see the
# comments in "Plone Component Versions".
# Tutorial instructions for using zc.buildout for
# configuration management are available at:
# Full details at

# Plone Component Versions
# ------------------------
# This version of the Unified Installer has the components of Plone 5
# preloaded so that it can install without an Internet connection.
# If you want to update, uncomment the "http://..." line below,
# edit it to point to the current version URL, comment out the
# "versions.cfg" line and run "bin/buildout" while attached to the
# Internet. Generally, you only want to do that as part of a planned migration.
# Note that if you are updating components, you should also check the versions
# section at the end of this file, since recipes or components other than
# those of Zope and Plone may need updating at the same time.
extends =

# If you change your Plone version, you'll also need to update
# the repository link below.
find-links +=

# If you try to start Zope as root, it will change user id to run as
# the effective user specified here. This user id must own the var directory
# of your buildout.
effective-user = plone_daemon
# This user will own the rest of the installation, and should be used to
# run buildout.
buildout-user = plone_buildout
# A flag to tell the Unified Installer whether or not to document sudo use.
need-sudo = yes

# Eggs
# ----
# Add an indented line to the eggs section for any Python
# eggs or packages you wish to include in your Plone instance.
# Note that versions may be specified here or in the [versions]
# section below. You should always specify versions that you know
# are compatible with the Plone release and at an acceptable
# development level.
# If you update to a later version of Plone, remove the hotfix.
eggs =

# ZCML Slugs
# ----------
# Some eggs need ZCML slugs to tell Zope to
# use them. This is increasingly rare.
zcml =
#    plone.reload

# Development Eggs
# ----------------
# You can use paster to create "development eggs" to
# develop new products/themes. Put these in the src/
# directory.
# You will also need to add the egg names in the
# eggs section above, and may also need to add them
# to the zcml section.
# Provide the *paths* to the eggs you are developing here:
develop =
#    src/my.package

# var Directory
# -------------
# Sets the target directory for the "var" components of the install such as
# database and log files.

# Backup Directory
# ----------------
# Sets the target directory for the bin/backup and bin/snapshotbackup
# commands. Default is inside this project's var directory, but ideally
# this should be on a separate volume or backup server.

# Initial User
# ------------
# This is the user id and password that will be used to create the initial
# user id that will allow you to log in and create a Plone site. This only
# sets the initial password; it will not allow you to change an already
# existing password. If you change the admin password via the web interface,
# the one below will no longer be valid.
# If you find yourself locked out of your Zope/Python installation, you may
# add an emergency user via "bin/plonectl adduser".

# Debug Options
# -------------
# Start Zope/Plone instances in "fg" mode to turn on debug mode;
# this will dramatically slow Plone.
# Add-on developers should turn deprecation warnings on
deprecation-warnings = off
# change verbose-security to "on" for useful security errors while developing
verbose-security = off

# Parts Specification
# Specifies the components that should be included in the buildout.
# Most are defined in the base.cfg extension; you may add your
# own if you need them at the end of this file.
parts =

# Major Parts
# ----------------------
# These common parts make use of sane base settings from
# base.cfg. To customize a part, just add whatever options
# you need. Read base.cfg for common settings.

<= zeoserver_base
recipe = plone.recipe.zeoserver
zeo-address =

<= client_base
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zeo-address = ${zeoserver:zeo-address}
http-address = 8080

<= client_base
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zeo-address = ${zeoserver:zeo-address}
http-address = 8081

# Versions Specification
# ----------------------
# Version information supplied here will "pin" Python packages to a particular
# version number, even when you use the "newest" flag running buildout.
# Specifying versions for all packages is a good idea and can prevent
# accidental changes when you add new packages to your buildout.
# Note that versions specified here will override those specified earlier
# in the configuration, including those from the Plone and Zope version
# config files.
# Use the setuptools and zc.buildout versions that are
# available in our Python environment.
setuptools =
zc.buildout =

Pillow = 3.4.2

Products.DocFinderTab = 1.0.5
Products.PloneHotfix20160830 = 1.3
Products.PloneHotfix20161129 = 1.2
bobtemplates.plone = 1.0.5
buildout.sanitycheck = 1.0.2
collective.checkdocs = 0.2
collective.recipe.backup = 3.0.0
mr.bob = 0.1.2
pkginfo = 1.4.1
plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller = 4.3.2
requests-toolbelt = 0.7.0
zest.pocompile = 1.4

# Required by:
# Jinja2==2.8
MarkupSafe = 0.23

# Required by:
# clint==0.5.1
args = 0.1.0

# Required by:
# twine==1.8.1
clint = 0.5.1

# Required by:
# zest.releaser==6.8
colorama = 0.3.7

I looked at some topics on the forum but nobody appeared to have the same issue... I'm quite new in this environment and i suppose i did something wrong...

Thank you for reading this !

Look at this line:

Requirement of bika.lims: Plone<=4.3.11

This add-on (or the version you are using) is not compatible with Plone 5.

Thank you so much.

I really need to be more attentive....

Sorry for taking your time.

We are always glad to help at the forum. No need to apologize... :wink:

For the record, next time you might want to check using the following command:

$ grep -r --include=requires.txt "" path/to/eggs-cache