Relative URLs in TinyMCEWidget (Products.Archetypes-1.11.2)

Hi All,

I've got some bespoke Archetypes content types using the TinyMCEWidget from the package Products.Archetypes-1.11.2.

Since a recent upgrade to Plone 5 the paths of any links seem to be transfered from a resolveuid URL to a relative path one.

For example

<p><a href="../../resolveuid/51d4e2626b7348588f099294d09c4d3e" data-val="51d4e2626b7348588f099294d09c4d3e" data-linktype="internal">Link</a></p>

Changes to

<p><a href="../../../../fileid.png" data-val="51d4e2626b7348588f099294d09c4d3e" data-linktype="internal">Link</a></p>

once the item has been saved. I can see the post contains the resolveuid urls. But something is being changed once the element is being saved.

In the old Products.TinyMCE code you used to have to set the use of UID as links globably via the control panel, but now I see that it's set by default by plone.outputfilters. Has anyone got any advice on how to store the resolveuid as a URL in Archetypes under Plone 5?


Just an update:
It seems that plone.outputfilers (2.1.5) is refarctoring the links on save rather than on view. Which doesn't happen with a vanilla dexterity content item

I've managed to recreated the problem in a vanilia Plone 5 installation. The data in the first instance is saved correctly in the data.fs file. But when you re-edit the item the pattern returns a relative path. This is just on Archetype items using a TinyMCEWidget schema.