Published object with effective date in the future is not shown in folder_contents view

Plone 6 - this happens only as editor in chief role or editor role - Bug or Feature?

It's not possible for the owner of the object to re-edit the item. only if the owner can remember the full url of object :frowning:

Catalog queries are filtered by effective date unless the user has the "Access inactive portal content" permission. (see Products.CMFPlone/ at master 路 plone/Products.CMFPlone 路 GitHub). The permission is checked on the portal root, or on the paths included in the query if there are some.

So if it's okay for the editor role to see content outside of the effective dates everywhere, you can add this permission to the Editor role in the sitewide rolemap.

Making sure that Owners who do not have the sitewide Editor role can see their own content items outside of the effective range sounds like a good idea, but I am not sure what the best way to implement it is.

I remember a similar discussion once Content disappear for non-manager when planned into the future 路 Issue #1247 路 plone/Products.CMFPlone 路 GitHub and AccessInactivePortalContent for local assigned roles doesn't work 路 Issue #189 路 plone/Products.CMFPlone 路 GitHub