Prepare your translations for Plone 6 beta!

Plone 6 beta is around the corner so it's time to prepare and finalize the translations for Plone Classic and Volto!

This is the current status for Plone Classic:

 98% - Español (es)
 98% - Basque (eu)
 96% - Português do Brasil (pt-br)
 92% - Deutsch (de)
 92% - French (fr)
 92% - Italiano (it)
 91% - Catalan (ca)
 91% - Slovenian (sl)
 89% - Nederlands (nl)
 88% - Russian (ru)
 80% - Traditional Chinese (zh-tw)
 79% - Chinese Simplified (zh-cn)
 76% - Japanese (ja)
 75% - Norsk (no)
(showing only those above 75%)

And this is the status for Volto:

 98% - Português do Brasil (pt-br)
 97% - Español (es)
 97% - Basque (eu)
 96% - Deutsch (de)
 95% - Catalan (ca)
 83% - Japanese (ja)
 61% - French (fr)
 42% - Portuguese (pt)
 20% - Nederlands (nl)
(showing all)

If you need assistance or help to know what to translate or how to do it, just ping me here or in Discord!