Plonetheme-upload CLI based theme management

On Plone 5 collective.listingviews is not yet an option.
Mosaic is able to do what collective.listingviews does and feels far more flexible, so I consider it to be an acceptable replacement.

@datakurre I do think themefragments are slightly simpler with less moving parts but rapido has the following going for it:

  1. Genuine TTW - It doesn't require a restart of Zope when a new block is created
  2. Learn once - It presents a single, buildout free paradigm to learn (a novice can create a rating system by following a simple tutorial while a more experienced developer might be able to quickly integrate a third party shopping cart (see:, a mailing list platform like mailchimp or a smart recommendation system)
  3. The potential to grow a community around rapido - since it can be decoupled from Plone, rapido.pyramid or rapido.kotti seem like legitimate possibilities.