PloneFormGen doesn’t install when it is set as dependency of user add-on

Hi, I’m using Plone 5.0.8. I've created a new add-on using mrbob and after set install_requires on and dependency on metadata.xml I've realized that when I've clicked to install my new add-on, the complement have been installed but PloneFormGen dependency haven't installed. Have any one faced the same problem and know to correct?

Here is




Here is metadata.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Thanks for your attention


Check the xml, it looks good but it is missing the </dependencies> close tag.

Invalid XML never looks good #scnr

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Well, many times also a valid one does not :wink:

Thank you for your replies. I edited the post because on my add-on I haven't missed the </dependencies> close tag. So, the problem still happens.

Sorry I don't have any experience in this particular problem but since you thanked 2 replies that were not particularly related to a specific experience I'll give a very long shot: I have noticed that when I installed a PloneFormGen on a test 5.08 site, it did not pull ATContentTypes (Products.ATContentTypes), while there is
in the metadata.xml.
Could there be some bug here ? If you followed, the install feature is in flux now with Plone, with changes coming in 5.1 and 5.0 in somewhat transitional phase.
Maybe you could try to install explicitly Products.ATContentTypes and see if it will go further.
Also, I don't know if you tried to run install in debug mode to see if there are messages in the console, that could give some information too.

Just to be sure: You did rerun (reinstall) the profile after you changed the xml ?

Yes, I also created a new site to install my add-on.

I noticed collective.pfg.norobots has dependency to PloneFormGen. I added this add-on to my buildout and the same problem happens: the add-on install but dependency doesn't install