Plone / Webtree single sign-on / oauth

Question from potential customer:

Can we have a single sign on with Plone and webtrees ( ) ?
Webtree has a plug-in that might help GitHub - fanningert/webtrees_simpleautologin: This module provides a simple way to add a SSO auto login for webtrees in combination with a authentication proxy (like oauth2-proxy).

If I have a (local ubuntu) server with Apache, Plone and Webtree already installed, what are my options (to make a demonstration to the customer)

If I read correctly, webtree_simpleautologin authenticates using the HTTP header provided by a reverse proxy, pas.plugins.headers · PyPI does the same for Plone.
IMO using any kind of authentication in the reverse proxy (i.e. Apache) with, for example, Shibboleth, OAuth2, or for demonstration purpose the simple mod_authn_core - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4 ... it is possible to configure webtrees and Plone behind the same reverse proxy and have an inexpensive SSO without any problems.

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Would it be possible to somehow have an UI for adding users (and passwords) with this solution (I probably need to show 'that').