Plone Team Leader Meeting Report – April, 2015

Post-PLOG update

  • One of the main themes from PLOG this year was that most community members aren’t aware of how and where we need their help. (see last item below, “Other / meta” -- Kim)
  • Need to communicate goals & needs of each team to community: Where to put task lists? Planning to use GitHub repos for each team -- task lists and wiki space. FYI can’t add labels etc w/o Contrib. Agreement, but can add issues.
  • Help teams by creating process for team meetings: agenda, tasks, report outs; Kim to post link at btm this doc
  • Surprise! there is email,, Eric has updated so it’s current again.
  • Need aggregate of team issue trackers, i.e. make it easy to find stuff from all teams

Release Manager/Framework Team – Eric Steele

  • Release team is a thing! Gathered several others to help with the package releases, which is the most time-consuming part of the release process. We’re going to aim for monthly Plone bugfix releases (4.3.x) and are discussing timing for the 5.0 series.
  • Kim and I are spinning up a committee to organize some of the non-code tasks around the Plone 5 release. First meeting is scheduled for mid-May.
  • Framework Team has updated their team page. Begun sending meeting notes to and plone-dev list.

Accessibility – Paul Roeland

  • Not much (although the order of p5 toolbar was fixed finally: name last!)
  • We have a account now, which hopefully leads to more automated testing.

##Admin Infrastructure – Martin Opstad Reistadbakk

  • Meeting in real life at PLOG, created a todo list
  • Moving important services away from Rackspace, billing issues
  • Be less dependent on Rackspace; use it only for things that can be down for a few days, don’t have local state e.g., temporary tasks, experimental things
  • maybe pay for servers for,,
  • Upgrade
  • Create 'emergency' resource fallback [smallish/little]
  • Plan to shut down, provide it as a huge tarball if they really want it

##Communications – Christina McNeill

  • Will have initial comms mtg
  • How to announce Plone 5b1?
    • some embarrassing issues that need to be fixed; new release coming soon
  • Team membership updates and gaps—how to share (redo or wait for new one,
    • update intros on—team leaders should have access to update their pages
    • link to team’s public issue trackers
    • news on teams
  • Team Meeting Minutes on like FWT ?
  • Social media plan
  • (also see “Other / meta” item at bottom of page)

##Documentation – Sven Strack

  • Plone 5
    • NEED DOCS FOR IT! Arnhem sprint won’t be enough. Docs aren’t even in an alpha state. We need people to step up and contribute; can’t release Plone 5 w/o docs.
    • We need a plan
      • feedback from FWT on when something is complete enough to add documentation
      • file issues in Github repo for doc team?
      • more comms to developers on importance documentation (marketing tool)?
      • hold next Beta release until docs complete
      • issues: no response from people
    • get help from Plone 5 cross-functional release committee
  • New sublime add-on for plone docs (URL?)
  • Jenkins integration, git commit hooks  [papyrus/documentation]
  • - nightly builds - ci with jenkins
  • New sponsor, yeh !  yeah!
  • Experience exchange with django documentarians, will likely continue monthly
  • Secretly unifying readme project aka quality push, lets see when people will recognize it...

##Installers – Steve McMahon

  • Unified and Vagrant installers for 5.0b1 are out.
    • The Unified Installer now has an interactive mode (most of the work was done last year at Plone Symposium Midwest) that will guide folks through the most common options—good for people new to Plone
    • The installers now include mr.bob and the new mr.bob templates for Plone. Replaces zopeskel, which was largely unmaintained. I am concerned that the Plone templates are still a bit rough-edged.
    • There is not a binary installer for OS X, and there are no plans for one. Both Unified and Vagrant kits work on OS X
  • We are short a Windows installer other than the Vagrant kit. I understand that PLOG folks determined we need a good one even if we have to pay for the beginning work.
    • need to reach out to shops who are doing this to get help
    • if we go to Windows installer, it needs to be professional
  • People do seem to be using the Ansible kit -- which is a full-stack installer meant for production rather than development. We will stick with Plone 4.3.x for this kit until Plone 5 is production-stable.

##Internationalization – Vincent Fretin

  • Fixes for Plone 5 completed in Sorrento, now need to begin translating
  •, translations should be moved into
  • Testing/Automation team will generate regular translation coverage reports. – Victor Fernandez de Alba

  • The most important update from the team is that we are finally a team!! Wooohoooo! :wink: We already had our first online meeting after the initial one at PLOG. We are walking again which is good and we hope to make progress shortly.
  • For those curious about it, these are the some pointers:
  • We have defined two milestones: pre-release and post-release, in order to have a minimum set of features deliverable as soon as possible. More ‘complicated’ things like contributor profile will be pushed for a post-release version.
  • The current members of the team are: Christina, Fulvio, Paul, Gil, Rob P. and me. Contributors are welcome!!!

##Security – Nathan Van Gheem

  • Added two new members
  • Looking for someone to take over as leader
  • Generally, no news is good news

##User Interface – Nathan Van Gheem

  • Planning a UI/UX summit to talk about Plone 5 and discuss ideas/bring up issues/communicate with the community about what is going on. UI/UX Summit Hangout
  • Need to plan more for the meeting yet
  • Team needs to find leadership. Search is on.

##Testing/Automation – Timo Stollenwerk – Kim Nguyen

  • We are getting sponsorships and success story submissions as a result of soft launch
  • Continuing to file and fix tickets to improve Please help us by looking over the site and making suggestions.
  • Sponsorship rates to appear in listings now updated on
  • Where is your sponsorship listing?
  • Should we need to move our issues from Six Feet Up’s private Trac to Github?

##Other meta items

  • Plone core issue tracker migration from to github: Gil Forcada is volunteering to help get this done; he and Paul may need help from others to get access to all needed. After that, can be sent off to the big /dev/null in the sky. Please all help close tickets a.s.a.p. that will never be resolved, have to do with Trac, have to do with current or are otherwise non-critical.
  • Discussed at PLOG: an easier way for teams to report to community a very brief summary of their activity, via Communication team. Proposal: monthly: use this team leader meeting document, and in between monthly meetings a form for 2-3 sentence summaries of team activity that sends to Comm team. Could include link to this form at bottom of each team page to make it easy to find.
    • current restriction of one tag/post in; if add another tag, could aggregate all minutes & do short summary for release to community
  • Discussing how to mentor team leaders. We help teams with their processes, a team kit. Meetings have agendas. Before meeting a document is circulated so members can and must read it before the meeting. Keep minutes. Review ongoing items, review new items. Some questions require discussion. Allow agreement to come. Do not force it or no one will follow or do the thing.
  • Use github issue tracker for each team. Team page has link to github issue tracker, minutes, names and contact info for members. Teams report a brief summary of their work using the communication team report form.

@tkimnguyen is that even a question? :slight_smile: If there is nothing sensible, transparency ftw!

Many many thanks for sharing all this! Plone is getting some needed coordination!

@gforcada :slight_smile: There may still be some issues we want to keep out of the public eye, not sure. I want to run the idea by the other team members. I was so grateful for the additional process that Six Feet Up helped us set up around our work, and Trac is what they were most comfortable with. Was easiest to just go with their setup.

Indeed, I am so happy to see how the Framework team took the lead on posting their minutes here. @ebrehault

To be fair, we've had the coordination, we've just been horrible at communicating it.

Yes, sorry, that's what I actually meant, as in coordination seen by others not by the ones doing the coordination :slight_smile: