Plone syndication on site root

I alway have had a doubt about how syndication works on Plone; AFAIK, to enable syndication site wide you need to create a collection; enable syndication on it, and the select it on the syndication control panel as the one to be used on site root:

If I check the root of my site I can see that 6 links are generated, 2 for every syndication type:

<link rel="alternate" href="" title="Últimas Notícias - RSS 1.0" type="application/rss+xml" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" title="Últimas Notícias - RSS 2.0" type="application/rss+xml" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" title="Últimas Notícias - Atom" type="application/rss+xml" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" title="Conversa Afiada - RSS 1.0" type="application/rss+xml" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" title="Conversa Afiada - RSS 2.0" type="application/rss+xml" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" title="Conversa Afiada - Atom" type="application/rss+xml" />

But only the first 3 of them are working; the site wide stuff is not and returns 404 status code (Not Found).

In my opinion, only the site wide links should be shown.

What I'm doing wrong here? Is this a bug on the syndication?

Yes, this is a bug. It was fixed here:

Looks like it never got backported to plone 4.

BTW, newsml is on plone 4 but not plone 5?

@vangheem can you fix the issue for Plone 4 also?

Talking about NewsML, it was merged and reverted at some point for some unrelated issue in Jenkins I think:

I just restored the branch but we will need a new pull request.

As soon as we close the document byline issue we can take care of this.

Sure thing. I'll create a PR for you to review and merge. Thank you.

@vangheem merged, thanks!

what's the purpose of having the links duplicated? I think we must get rid of the one pointing to the collection or at least list it after the ones on the root.

they are different links to support different types of syndication formats. The formats that are supported are configurable per area you have it enabled.

IMO, I would even just completely get rid of having RSS from the root of the site. It seems mostly meaningless since you can't control order. By selecting a collection to display for RSS, you can control the content that is syndicated out to your users when they enter a url into rss readers.

Having the additional urls is harmless. Listing site root feed after collections makes sense to me as the site feed doesn't provide as useful of info unless you customize it.

What are you looking for?

you mean the /RSS and /my-collection/RSS links point to different things?
