Plone multitheme

The theme is (more or less) made up of 3 parts.

  1. (Demo) content and a control panel (so you need to install the theme from the add-on control panel)
  2. Different layouts that can be chosen from the control panel
  3. Fragments ( html snippets with corresponding .py and .xml files (and js & css if needed) )

If you add a new tile or modify the xml or .py file, you will have to disable/enable the theme in the theming control panel (or restart Plone)

##To do
We need more fragments, more layouts and some diazo rules to have different 'navigations'.
The best way to start is probably to make some tiles with layout.

Look at the tile:

Currently, it has no special layout, and no settings.
What we want for this fragment is to be able to change the text (Create awesome etc) , PRE MADE BLOCKS, butten text and link.

This is done by making a info_block.xml file. In the info_block.xml file you add the settings we want (open the other xml files and look at the code and copy)
Then we want to make as many layouts as possible for this fragment, for example

If possible, we try to not have color definitions in the CSS files, but instead add CSS classes, taken from the settings.

The syntax of the settings is:


for the user entered data




def get_something(self):
     return 'something'

in a py file

To use the variables in the file, do something like:

You can also choose which css file to load (but try to use CSS classes and put everything in same CSSfile if possible)

The syntax would be:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="++theme++multitheme/css}/${view/data/css_file}.css">

For layouts: you find plenty inspiration at Testimonials - Mobirise 4 Theme

PS: I can make another demo site if you want to work / show you work TTW