Plone Mosaic 1.0a3 released

Important! If you'd like to use Plone Mosaic in production, or develop it into a production quality feature for your clients, you really should participate (or sponsor your favorite Plone developer) to the Arnhem Anniversary Sprint this July. @ramon and @agitator will need your help there, and the hosts, Four Digits, are the original developers of the layout editor used in Plone Mosaic.

The third alpha for Plone Mosaic is now released.

While it's still considered to be only a technical preview (not pretty, expect bugs, hidden and missing features, missing focused user story, etc...), it's pretty functional:

Minimal Plone 5 buildout:

extends =
parts = instance

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
user = admin:admin
eggs =

(Or deploy it at Heroku on Plone 5.0b2.)

Minimal Plone 4.3.x buildout:

extends =
parts = instance
versions = versions

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
user = admin:admin
eggs =

[versions] = 1.8.0

Yes, Plone Mosaic 1.0a3 does unofficially support Plone 4.3.x. It only needs the new mockup based widgets. On Plone 5, the Mosaic behaviors are enabled on install for all Dexterity content types. On Plone 4, you need to create a new TTW Dexterity content type with two behaviors (Drafting support and Layout support) to get the Mosaic experience. Yet, expect Plone 4 support to be dropped in the future (not because it could not be supported, but because the support is so easy to break by accident).

Pro tip: Adding collective.dexteritytextindexer into the mix and activating its behavior for your content types would index your mosaic pages' text tiles into searchable text index.

Try it out, have fun, report bugs and join or sponsor the sprints!


Look Mum, no folders, no default pages! – Building a Plone (4.3) Mosaic site with a single content type:


very nice, thank you!

Document by line -tile seems to be broken on Plone 5, breaking the layout editor when page has this tile. This is fixed in standardtiles master and will be released in early June.

Great Job

Released 1.0a2. Includes bug fixes and site layout support for Plone 5.

Site layouts are the proposed replacement for main template based layouts. Yet in addition to just replacing the base layout engine, with Mosaic Editor, they allow any number of editable areas called "panels" in the layout:

The example above shows the standard Plone layout with additional editable areas below both portlet columns.

More information about site layouts can be read from the original Deco manifest. (Mosaic implements almost the whole manifest, except that page layouts have been renamed to content layouts and the all replacing "Page" content type with additional UI is not yet included.)


Oh man! I need to send you a beer. What's your address?

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@jaroel Give it to @ramon at Anniversary Sprint to keep him working longer for the missing configuration panel for Mosaic :+) (Mosaic / Deco has been missing a control panel since

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Seems like I did that.
I'll give Ramon 2 beers to fix that :slight_smile:

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Released 1.0a3. Includes bug fixes and Bootstrap 3 based example site layout to give easy demo of the site layout feature (with inline editable responsive grids).


so cool!

@agitator These "site layouts" could be used to fulfill the feature we discussed at PLOG (pre-filled immutable layouts with mutable fillable areas). The missing parts are better UI for site layout selection and ability to limit layouts for specific portal types (the latter would technically require only more some enhancements into site layout resource manifest and and context aware vocabulary built from available site layout resources [they are stored using plone.resource]).

The new alpha comes with two sets of site layouts for Plone 5. The first one is mostly just s "a proof of concept" implementation of the Plone default layout, but this set of two Bootstrap 3 layouts is probably closer to something usable in production (there's a layout with editable jumbotron and another layout with the basic navigation elements and content area).

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Is it likely that Mosaic will eventually ship with Plone 5 out of the box?

@pigeonflight It will be PLIP'd for some 5.x if everything works out, UI gets polished and better integrated, and better multilingual support is developed.

Plone Mosaic is awesome. is the a slider tile?

5 posts were split to a new topic: How to try out Mosaic?

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to try out Mosaic?

I bet you could easily build a slider with the content-listing title + a template for it.
The title already has some templates, but there is room for more like a slider template or a 2x2 grid teaser template :wink: