Plone Installer 6.0.4 for Ubuntu: Simplify Your Plone Installation Today!

@Cybrosystech: Thank you for considering my comments and suggestions.

I'd like to add some comments to point 6:

The words "default" and "frontend" have become kind of plastic words in the Plone community. Due to their elastic semantics both words need some explanation when used.

  • In Plone's marketing jargon the words "default" and "frontend" are mostly used to promote Volto as the preferred "frontend" of a specific type of Plone stack. The precariety of this semantics becomes tangible when trying to explain things like "The Classic UI is an alternative frontend which is installed by default when you install the Plone backend" and "Even in Volto scenarios we have per default the Classic UI frontend installed in the backend." Actually both "frontends" (Classic UI and Volto) are installed per "default" in Volto scenarios (not to be confused with sites).

Fortunately the technical jargon uses a terminology with specific semantics:

  • plone.volto and volto are different packages:

    • plone.volto is a Python package that configures Plone to work with volto.

    • volto is a ReactJS package.

    • plone.volto is not a requirement for a Plone Classic UI scenario.

  • The plone.volto package is installed because it is declared in the install_requires in the [options] section of the setup.cfg file of the package Plone (see setup.cfg).

    • Removing plone.volto from the eggs in the [instance] section of your debug.cfg won't avoid its installation because plone.volto is declared in the install_requires in the [options] section of the setup.cfg file of the package Plone.

    • For a Plone Classic UI installation following packages (instead of the package Plone) could be declared in the eggs in the [instance] section of your debug.cfg (see this comment):

      # plone.restapi
      # Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow
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