Plone Community for India

@tkimnguyen When I started plone in 2014, I visited and through one of the pages tried to ping. but i think the older site was too dysfunctional.
India is a very important country. too many potential use cases for plone and a very important market for the future. I dont think even 0.01% of the people (professionals) in the Information technology sector know about plone. I am sure not a single decision maker in this country knows about plone.

my post actually follows a chat I had several months ago with @cewing and he mentioned that about the future of plone in India. Of course, I am only a plone enthusiast and my information is restricted to the searches on the internet.
Many thinks in India are just starting and we can place plone here. In the government sector, just as Plone is doing well in Brazil, we could have a good impact. The government sector is currently involved with microsoft technologies (guess)