Plone 6 Roadmap?

Hi, guys.

Do you remember the excitement you feel reading about Plone roadmap? It'll have HTML5 support! z3c.forms! dexterity! diazo! The anticipation was wonderful and you could enjoy the waiting and prepare yourself for the new joys of plone developing. The road map was even better than read "What's new in Python" with each release.

Now, it seems to me it's harder to find an official document with the global vision of what Plone 6 will/should be. We have the 2015 Strategic Summit Document which seems to be the basis of the new roadmap, and of course we have posts of developers working in the new and exciting features.

I understand that developers are busy writing new features. And I understand that certain things haven't been decided yet (hello javascript!). I just want to point out that a well published road map is an excellent galvanizer on how the wonderful thing future will bring us on.