Plone 5 External Method

I am trying to include an External Method in Plone 5.0.5
I installed the zope instance with the unified installer, with a zeoserver and 3 clients.

1.Should i change my config? If yes, what should i add (i tried to add 'zope-conf-additional = extensions ${buildout:directory}/Extensions ' to the [buildout] section , but after rebuilding, nothing changes...
2. Where should I place my Extensions - folder? In my clients directories or in the root directory. Again I've tried it, and when adding my External method, it never accepts...

Thanks in advance for your help!
Joepie Platteau.

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External Methods in the context of Plone 5? What is the purpose? External Methods are no longer used in Plone since ages. Write a browser view.


I need to create a python script which includes a library that would not be permitted in the ZMI - Python Script.
But a browser view can't do that either, or am I wrong?

Browser views are unrestricted. External methods are in the museum and should remain there.


@platteau: External methods still work, but aren't well supported by documentation. BrowserViews are unrestricted (as is all filesystem) code and often preferred by experienced developers as its easier to deploy in a package. But there is more to learn, for example python packaging.
But there are tutorials to help you.

BTW, there is one other possibility. If the library you want to access from the ZMI is common, I've been working on a package you can install to allow many commonly request imports in python scripts. Still new but please raise a ticket if the code you want to access should be included.

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