[Solved] Plone 5.2 py2/3 migration and collective.taxonomy

I was able to fix that with the help of this post: Zodbverify: Porting Plone with ZopeDB to Python3 - #15 by mauritsvanrees

I've defined a zodbupdate rename_dict like this in my.addon.__init__.py product:

zodb_rename_dict = {
    'collective.taxonomy.generated interviewort': 'zope.interface Interface',
    'collective.taxonomy.generated ort': 'zope.interface Interface',
    'collective.taxonomy.generated sammlung': 'zope.interface Interface',
    'collective.taxonomy.generated themenfilter': 'zope.interface Interface',

then you can wire this with an entry_point in the setup.py of my.addon:

        renames = my.addon:zodb_rename_dict

now my bin/zodbupdate runs without errors.

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