Plone 5.1 Coredev Version Pin Questions

  • CMFCore: I think it has incompatible changes, but I don't know what they would be. I think I asked about that a while ago, but can't find it.
  • z3c.form: 3.2.10 gives test failures. I fixed a part of that this week, see And I have another open pull request since yesterday:
  • z3c.form 3.3.0 has incompatible changes:
  • dateutil: don't know, probably fine to use new version
  • pytz: we had problems updating to 2015.7, especially due to tests in Plone that overrode the timezone and did not correctly set it back. That was solved. I would guess a newer version would be no problem.
  • Selenium2Library: don't know, probably fine to use new version