Plone 5.0.8 i18ndude Wheels are not supported


i have a problem, i want to install i18n in my plone site.

This is my develop.cfg file

parts +=
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = i18ndude

and this is my buildout.cfg file

# Use the setuptools and zc.buildout versions that are
# available in our Python environment.
setuptools = 
zc.buildout = 

Pillow = 3.4.2

Products.DocFinderTab = 1.0.5
Products.PloneHotfix20160830 = 1.3
Products.PloneHotfix20161129 = 1.2
bobtemplates.plone = 1.0.5
buildout.sanitycheck = 1.0.2
collective.checkdocs = 0.2
collective.recipe.backup = 3.0.0
mr.bob = 0.1.2
pkginfo = 1.4.1
plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller = 
requests-toolbelt = 0.7.0
zest.pocompile = 1.4

# Required by:
# Jinja2==2.8
MarkupSafe = 0.23

# Required by:
# clint==0.5.1
args = 0.1.0

# Required by:
# twine==1.8.1
clint = 0.5.1

# Required by:
colorama = 0.3.7

when i run the buildout comand ./bin/buildout -c develop.cfg it gives me thise error:

Getting distribution for 'i18ndude==4.0.1'.
Using unpack_wheel() shim over the deprecated wheel_to_egg() hook.
Please update your wheel extension implementation for one that installs a .whl
handler in zc.buildout.easy_install.UNPACKERS
  Updating i18ndude.
  Getting distribution for 'i18ndude==4.0.1'.
Error: Wheels are not supported

How can i resolve it?

Which version of Plone are you using, what operating system (and version), and how did you set up a working Plone before you tried to install i18ndude?

Also, what have you found by searching for the error message above?

While I am certainly no buildout expert :slight_smile: I'd say to try to pin zc.buildout to 2.10, or possibly (in reverse) to pin setuptools to 20.7

I definitely did not try it, tough.

I'm using Plone 5.0.8 on Ubuntu 16.04 lts

At last i installed i18ndude 3.2.2, I only needed to change the version until one worked

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I'm trying to run buildout on a freshly installed Plone 5.0.8 in order to update to 5.1-latest, and get this:

peterf@slowprint-do04-a:/usr/local/plone5/zeocluster$ sudo -u plone_buildout ./bin/buildout -vv
Installing 'buildout.sanitycheck'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'buildout.sanitycheck==1.0.2'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have no distributions for plone.recipe.zeoserver that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.4.0'.
Getting distribution for 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.4.0'.
Download cache has plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.4.0 at: /usr/local/plone5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/plone.recipe.zeoserver-1.4.0-py2-none-any.whl
Using unpack_wheel() shim over the deprecated wheel_to_egg() hook.
Please update your wheel extension implementation for one that installs a .whl
handler in zc.buildout.easy_install.UNPACKERS
Could't load zc.buildout entry point default
from plone.recipe.zeoserver:
Wheels are not supported.
Getting section zeoserver.
Initializing section zeoserver.
Installing recipe plone.recipe.zeoserver.
Getting distribution for 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.4.0'.
Error: Wheels are not supported

I can't understand the analysis or suggestions provided here

Not sure what to do about it to get it to work!

Thx for pointers!

Which versions of zc.buildout and setuptools are installed in the virtualenv? You should be able to get this with sudo -u plone_buildout ./bin/pip list.

The recommended versions are now:

setuptools == 38.2.4
zc.buildout == 2.10.0
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Hi Thomas, thanks for this.
Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure where to find the virtualenv.
When I run this in the buildout directory, sudo -u plone_buildout ./bin/pip list I get
sudo: ./bin/pip: command not found
Although $ which pip

Sorry, I'm a nearly clueless novice with under-the-hood :slight_smile: thanks

if I run sudo -u plone_buildout /usr/bin/pip list
I get
setuptools (38.4.0)
zc.buildout (2.11.0)

Do you use the UnfifiedInstaller or the ansible playbook or a custom installation?

Which Python is your Plone buildout using? You can see this in the bin/buildout command, like this:


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys

In that case pip would be available at /home/plone/Plone508/zinstance/bin/pip.

Thanks Thomas

This was the Unified Installer.

However, I'm now in the correct directory (doh), which helps with ./bin/pip !
Nonetheless, the wheel error persists

here's the output from the correct pip list


/usr/local/plone5/zeocluster$ sudo -u plone_buildout ./bin/pip list
DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning.
pip (9.0.1)
setuptools (38.4.0)
wheel (0.30.0)
zc.buildout (2.9.5)
The directory '/home/peterf/.cache/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.


this prior:


/usr/local/plone5/zeocluster$ sudo -u plone_buildout ./bin/buildout -vv
Installing 'buildout.sanitycheck'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'buildout.sanitycheck==1.0.2'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have no distributions for plone.recipe.zeoserver that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.4.0'.
Getting distribution for 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.4.0'.
Download cache has plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.4.0 at: /usr/local/plone5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/plone.recipe.zeoserver-1.4.0-py2-none-any.whl
Using unpack_wheel() shim over the deprecated wheel_to_egg() hook.
Please update your wheel extension implementation for one that installs a .whl
handler in zc.buildout.easy_install.UNPACKERS
Could't load zc.buildout entry point default
from plone.recipe.zeoserver:
Wheels are not supported.
Getting section zeoserver.
Initializing section zeoserver.
Installing recipe plone.recipe.zeoserver.
Getting distribution for 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.4.0'.
Error: Wheels are not supported


OK, I figured out how to pip install --upgrade zc.buildout and setuptools

Looks like the buildout is proceeding now!

Many thanks!

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Thats good. Now you have to update zc.buildout to 2.10.0

Setuptools 38.2.0 started supporting wheels. Through setuptools, buildout now also supports wheels! You need at least version 38.2.3 to get proper namespace support.