Plone 5.0.4 on MS trying addon collective.lineage 2.0

Tried my 1st addon with my new installation of 5.0.4
Added the egg = to testing.cfg
seemed to buildout ok - then went to run instance fg where it broke

I have enclosed two pasties for consideration

Hope this helps

Tried the same with Products.PloneFormGen and got this respense

We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
PS C:\simple-plone-buildout> bin/instance fg
2016-05-28 14:13:02 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Sat May 28 14:13:02 2016
Hostname: Plone
Port: 8080
2016-05-28 14:13:06 ERROR PloneFormGen PloneFormGen requires Plone >= 4.1.
2016-05-28 14:13:06 ERROR Application Could not import Products.PloneFormGen
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\OFS\", line 606, in import_product
product=import(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly)
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\products.ploneformgen-1.8.1-py2.7.egg\products\", line 21,
from import v41
ImportError: No module named upgrade
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\simple-plone-buildout\parts\instance\bin\", line 273, in
exec(compile(, file, "exec"))
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\Zope2\Startup\", line 76, in
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\Zope2\Startup\", line 22, in run
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\Zope2\Startup_init
.py", line 92, in prepare
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\Zope2\Startup_init
.py", line 268, in startZope
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\", line 47, in startup
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\Zope2\App\", line 67, in startup
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\OFS\", line 583, in import_products
import_product(product_dir, product_name, raise_exc=debug_mode)
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg\OFS\", line 606, in import_product
product=import(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly)
File "c:\simple-plone-buildout\eggs\products.ploneformgen-1.8.1-py2.7.egg\products\PloneFormGen_init
.py", line 21,
from import v41
ImportError: No module named upgrade
PS C:\simple-plone-buildout>

I hope this is not me ..... (but I think it is)
Just where do you add the addons, nothing is really specified it's trial and error ..... but it's a great learning curve :o)

This looks as if your version of "Products.PloneFormGen" were incompatible with Plone 5.

I would try to find out where the ERROR log entry comes from and how "PloneFormGen" tries to determine that it runs with Plone >= 4.1. This test fails with Plone 5. I would try to find out how the test could be made better.

Thx Dieter, I have literally just installed 5.0.4 as I was previously in the 4.3.x environment.

In the MS UI 4.3.x I was spoilt with an articulate buildout.cfg file, but in 5.0.4 it is minimalist forcing me into trial and error mode. I hope this adds to the installers debate. I still consider myself giving opinion as an end-user.

Best wishes to all